Saving, Investing and Insurance

Are saving and investing is good ..? Sure. However, what if savings and investment was sold out because affected in the future, such as medical expenses or because they have lost the Seeker living. Savings planned for children's education expenses, to buy a house, car, haj pilgrimage and pension costs must be lost. Well, this is where risk management is required. If you have this, this is the need for insurance.

SMART Management Education Funds

From year to year, the cost of increasingly expensive education. That is why we need menusun child education thorough planning for the future of children is assured. Educational planning, especially in terms of preparing the budget, would not be considered a trivial matter.

Some factors that must be considered in preparing the education fund for children include:

Insurance Claims, Problems and Solutions

"Insurance is easy entry, but his claim hard", "It is the premium paid over two years, so do not claim expenses", or "Gee, I mo claim, but it is complicated, there is passed here." Maybe that's a small part that is your minds, so you do not want to take an insurance policy.

The claim is a right which is actually received by each customer insurance. And certainly Insurance Company will pay the claim, the liability of the customer are met. Let us consider the mechanism of Claim, to claim you must pay. And of course you are still antipathy / refuse insurance to be open-minded, so soon have the insurance policy.

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